日前,全球化智库(CCG)在北京总部举办《软实力与中美竞合》图书发布会,会上发布了美国哈佛大学肯尼迪政府学院前院长约瑟夫·奈(Joseph Nye)教授的新作《软实力与中美竞合》。约瑟夫·奈指出,竞争需要有限度,中美应确保高层之间持续沟通,也必须思考如何从科学家、经济学家、工程师等其他人的实践层面开始,将世界交织在一起。
On April 28, Professor Joseph Nye"s new book, Soft Power and Great-Power Competition: Shifting Sands in the Balance of Power between the United States and China, was released at Central for China& Globalization(CCG)in Beijing. It"s important to have guardrails on the competition, to make sure that China and the U.S. have constant communication with each other at the highest levels, said Joseph Nye, former Dean of the Harvard"s Kennedy School of Government, USA. He also noted that China and the U.S. also have to think about beginning to knit the world together at the practical working level of the scientists and others, economists, engineers.
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